On The Rise K-12 Conference
Keynote - Jessica Holmes
Take a look a all areas of your life. Should you be doing something different/better in an a specific area. Be careful not to let all the areas in your life get 'low' you need a balance.
Who do you admire, 3 people? think of one quality that you admire for each person.
Willingness to help
Respect (for all to move forward.)
Tragedy + Time = Comedy (Character Building, Learn from it)
Get rid of Toxic people in your life!
Get an emotional divorce from them, don't worry about having them like you, get on their good side.
Don't focus on the areas we are not good.
Don't try to repair the areas we are not good at. Focus on the areas we are strong at.
Perspective can shift when on the offensive and not the defensive.
Start with small changes and you will see your outlook become broader.
Take chances in life to broaden your hoirzons.
Google vs. D2L Session
Log into google and D2L
Google - creativity and collaboration
D2L - Organization and management
Slide shows - enable commenting so students can comment.
Collaborate on google docs.
Branches of information
Benefits for students
- break down information (identify core concepts and relationship between concepts)
- power of mind map lies not in the map itself, but in the process of creating it.
- Supports inquiry based learning
Guidance, spec ed, SST uses to share information and increase Communication
Communication and collaboration within department and within school.
Tweet as a means of communication.
Communication for students, staff, parents.
- understand social media to be able to teach to students.
Careers class,
Follow both local and global businesses
Summarize careers articles (140 characters)
May lead to business leaders wiling to commit to a 10 minute interview on twitter, could lead to SKYPE
Example game designers - come up with predetermined questions put on projector as twitter conversation occurs.
Remind - Sends text message to anyone who signs in.
Communicate Community service hours.
Students need to opt in.
How do you determine what goes out on Twitter vs. Remind
Use forms to collect info. transition meetings, SSR's, track back end support for students suspended, exit cards for graduating students, share strategies for specific students.
Be sure to share Positive information too!!
How to videos - Read CCS, Couirse selection, college/university applications
Engaging Parents with Brightspace(D2L)
Parents can get notifications for courses via email
Auditor tool connects multiple users (family members) to account
Driving student and parent access in the system to access announcements, learning activities, and assessment feedback.
Parent has their own credentials to log in.
Can see daily activities, reminders, news, calendar.
Access student progress (evaulations, assessments)
Email teachers.
View ePortfolio artifacts.
How to set up
- Create Parent Role
- set up desired permissions
Enrol parents in courses of their students
Enrol them is specific board courses.
Establish Auditor - Auditee relationship with appropriate paretns (grant access to send automated emails from teachers)