“Understanding leads to efficacy, which leads to hope”
Trauma is everywhere
25% of kids entering JK have experienced trauma (that we know of)
68-70% by 17 years of age
Should we be addressing individual students or groups/classrooms?
- Trauma is #1 predictor of school attendance across numerous students
- In school-based studies, number one predictor of behavioural health problems in school-aged children and youth.
-A linear relationship between trauma exposure and the likelihood of:
...academic concerns, suspension, expulsion and dropping out
...lower achievement scores
...language programs and identification of learning problems
...referral to special education service
Trauma impacts learning directly - especially trauma that occurs in years 1- 3
- can impact low motivation related to external locus of control/powerlessness/anticipation of
failure/perceived low impact on the world.
Hand model dan siegel
Sensory systems impaired in students with trauma.
The limbic system is the emotional control centre
- hippocampus - emotional learning. emotional memory, manages what info gets sent from Amygdala
FIght, Flight, Freeze system. All or none - take all energy from the rest of the brain. If run, run for a long time before start thinking rationally again
Flight as a mean think first then runs.
Kids experience trauma when the teacher in the classroom can't handle a traumatic situation.
The developmental Trauma Disorder
Universal Needs
- treated with respect
- value and valued
- empowered
- safe in a relationship
Understanding Regulation
Regulation model/pyramid
Pro-social Regulation- rule follower
Social Regulation - peer relationship
Cognitive Regulation - Processing Language
Emotional Regulation - Express, understand, show emotions
Arousal Regulation - Stress response system
Diagnoses for kids with trauma is ADHD or Anxiety because their bottom 'sucks' Arousal regulation
When the pyramid crumbles we either fight Flight or Freeze
Build the brain to build the pyramid.
Buil up the top to support the bottom...the bottom is impaired through trauma.
The window of tolerance. How we manage arousal regulation.
Optimal arousal is between high arousal and low arousal. (Trauma - narrows the window of tolerance)
TOO LITTLE AROUSAL: emotionless, numb, tuned out, withdrawn, disconnected, shut down. takes them out of their window of tolerance. (Suspensions don't work)
How We Regulate
-auto-regulation What we do unconsciously
-Co-regulation - helping others regulate
- Self-Regulation - flexible skills with a good foundation
- Post-traumatic ADAPTATIONS (not behaviours)
The Shame of Trauma
- some of our interventions, shame turns them off.
-part of trauma about psychology.
- I'm wrong, I'm useless.... it's my fault.
- Push away the people they need most, because they are afraid they are going to hurt them.
-Grow shame by going too quickly to the top of the pyramid.
Trauma is illogical and shame is a huge driver.
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