Monday, November 6, 2017

Youth at Risk: No Problems, Just Solutions

7 Lesson School Teacher - John Gato

1st day of school teachers are concerned about Control. Hat conversation
Its easier to build strong children than repair broken men.

What made a teacher stand out - made you feel engaged.

4 pillars of engagement:
Belonging -
Power -Setting goals
Freedom -input for rules/consequences
Fun - creative/relative

Transactional Analysis
P - Parent (critical or Caring)
A - Adult
C - Child (rebellious, needy)
Ego states - Any interaction with 2 people are in these states
Best interactions are A to A

Part of engaging a student is through adult to adult interactions.
Who are you?  Sometimes students come in already in a specific state (possibly looking to hook you)

Students at risk like an iceberg - behavior on the top but its due to everything underneath.
Spheres of influence

Tapping in VLS for VSL Visual Literacy Solutions for Visual Student Learners

Experiential learning mindmap

Multiple intellegence is gone Gardner will now do.
5 Minds of the Future
Disciplinary mind - mastery of schools of thought (science, math, english,  1 professional craft)
Synthesizing mind - integrating ideas from different disciplines and communicating it
xxxxv-come up with something new
respectful mind - appreciation for differences between people
ethical mind - responsibility on 2 fronts - work front, citizenship front